Infos We’ll Come United Summer Camp 2024 in Thuringia – English

We’ll Come United Summer Camp 2024 in Thuringia

Here you can find some general information about the camp and the program.

Please note our infection concept.

To receive all the latest information before and during the camp, please join  this signal group:


General Information

The camp is from Wednesday, 21 August, to Sunday, 25 August 2024, in the „Kommune Waltershausen“.
Address: Kowa e.V., August-Bebel-Straße 4, 99880 Waltershausen
The best way to get there is by train to Waltershausen station. From there it is only a few metres. The route will be signposted. If you are travelling by car, please find your own parking space nearby. There are no car parks on the camp site. If this is a problem for you, please contact us.
If you are unable to cover the cost of your travel expenses yourself, we can refund your money. Please keep your tickets and speak to the info point.

Info point:
Right at the entrance to the camp site you will find the info point where you can check in and where all important information is displayed. You will also find contact persons there who will help you if you have any questions or problems.

During the camps there are 3 meals and drinks for everyone every day. The collective “Sudan Uprising” will organise this. In the evening there will be drinks at the bar. There are also various shopping facilities nearby.

Awareness and safety:
Look out for each other. Respect the personal boundaries of others. We want everyone to feel comfortable. Discrimination therefore has no place at the camp. This means any form of discrimination based on gender, social or geographical origin, skin colour, age, sexual orientation and religion. There will be an awareness concept and an awareness structure.
We have a security concept and some people who are familiar with it.

We have translation equipment for simultaneous translation for the meetings and workshops. The collectives “BLA” and “Interprise” support us at the conference. However, we also need the support and patience of all participants so that everyone can speak in their own languages. Please get in touch at the info point if you can help with translating.

Please also take part in the daily plenary sessions or send a delegate from your group. There we will organise camp life together, but we can also initiate discussions on content.
We ask everyone taking part in the camp to donate some money for the food and the programme according to their means. We will not only need money, but also everyone’s help.
We ask you to support the camp by helping with cooking, cleaning, translating and looking after each other. The camp depends on your participation!

We will only be able to share the programme shortly before the camp. However, there are many open slots in which you can spontaneously add topics. Talk to the info point and organise it together in the daily plenaries.
There will be several workshops and discussions each day. Music, dance, theatre and poetry will fill the evenings. On the last evening we will have a closing party.

Sleeping places and capacities:
Most participants will sleep in tents, but if needed some can also stay in the building. If you have additional camping equipment for others, please bring it with you. There are sanitary facilities for everyone in the building. There are also composting toilets at the campsite.
We have space for 150 people. So please understand if we have to cancel, we want to give priority to people from Thuringia affected by racism and the camp system.

We ask that you do not bring dogs to the camp.

Unfortunately, most places are not accessible by wheelchair. If you have any further questions about accessibility, please contact us in advance.

For those who bring their children, we will provide childcare during the workshops.

Packing list:
Please bring enough clothes for all weathers. Also pack enough medication if you need it. We also recommend everyone to bring sun cream, sunscreen, mosquito spray and general painkillers and plasters for themselves. There is a small medical team on site that can help with minor emergencies.

Unfortunately, the corona pandemic is still not over and many people are still getting sick, so we ask you to take a Covid test before travelling if possible and to stay at home if you have acute cold symptoms.

If you have any further questions, you can always contact us at or via +4915735820706 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal).

Infection Concept

The Corona virus is spreading again and even though the situation
is different than in 2020, it still is a dangerous virus especially for
those with chronic illnesses.
Let’s be responsible and aware so that everyone can feel safe.
The three main pillars:
1. Testing before arrival and on Friday at the conference.
2. Wearing masks indoors/ in workshop tents and disinfecting hands before eating.
3. Open communication and careful behaviour in cases of infections/sickness.
1. Testing
Please make a Covid Rapid Test before or upon your arrival at the camp and test
yourself again on Friday during the conference. We have tests, which you can get at the
infopoint or the medibus..
If you get symptoms of a cold or information about having had contact with someone
tested positive, come to us and get tested!
If you test positive or get sick after the conference, please let us know immediately (to
2. Indoors
Please wear masks inside to decrease the possibility of infection. There are masks
provided at the Medibus and infopoint.
If possible, try to sleep in a tent and not indoors, since the risk of infection is much
higher with many people sleeping in one room together. If you do sleep indoors
ventilate the bedrooms frequently and if possible, sleep with windows open.
3. Disinfection
Please disinfect your hands before taking your food.
4. Open communication and careful behaviour in cases of infections
We consider open communication and careful behaviour to be of main importance at
the conference. Anyone who has a positive rapid test result during conference should
immediately let the orga team and people they had contact with know.
Please be open about it and we will make the best out of it and support in any
possible way.
If you feel unsafe or you have questions about the concept/how to act, contact the
people at the InfoPoint, the Medibus, or the awareness team. We will support you!