Invitation We’ll Come United Summer Camp 2024 in Thuringia – English

We’ll Come United Summer Camp 2024 in Thuringia

Here you can find some general information about the camp and the program

Dear friends,

We live in an increasingly complex world, and as challenges mount, our role as individuals and communities to stand alongside those most in need of support and solidarity becomes ever more crucial.

It is time to join forces and stand together against racism and deportations.

We therefore warmly invite you, especially those affected by racism and deportation, to take part in our summer camp and to shape it. The summer camp is self-organised and needs your participation, both in terms of content and in the day-to-day organisation of camp life.

We have the following goals:

  • We create structures of solidarity against racism and discrimination. Together we are We’ll come united.
  • Together we fight against deportations and for the right to stay for all.
  • We develop effective strategies to combat racism and defend the society of the many. Together we are Migrantifa.
  • We create a strong support network that connects us with each other. Together we fight against suffering, exploitation and discrimination, here in Europe and on the routes of the European border regime.

The conference and summer camp will include the following:

  • Interactive workshops with experts on migrants’ rights in Germany and Europe.
  • Joint developing of our strategies in the struggles
  • Exchange in open discussion rounds
  • Joint activities aimed at building trust and cooperation among participants
  • Self-empowerment and expression of our experiences through art, poetry and music.

We believe that every voice can make a difference, and every act of solidarity strengthens our community.

Join us in this important event to say with one voice: No to racism, yes to humanity.

Conference and Summer Camp Details:

We invite you to register and participate in this unique event. Let’s unite to spread awareness, love, and tolerance.

We ask all who join the camp to donate some money for the food and the program depending on their ability. We not only will need money but also the help of everyone in supporting the camp, through cooking, cleaning, translating and taking care of each other.

Most people will be sleeping in tents but if needed some people can also sleep in the building.

Sadly most part of the location are not accessible by wheelchair.

The camp will be multilingual and with all your help we will provide translation.

For those how what to bring their kids we will provide childcare while the workshops are running.

Also we ask you not to bring dogs to the camp.

For more information, please contact us at:

Together, we can make a difference. We look forward to seeing you among us!

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