On this page you will find various information materials for the right to stay, against deportations, for equal rights for all and for solidarity and freedom of movement on all escape routes. We invite everyone to download the respective materials, reprint them and distribute them in the communities.
The material pool is constantly being expanded and updated – just check back here from time to time and help spread the word!
If you have any recommendations for materials that should be added, please send us an email to: mail@welcome-united.org
1) w2eu.info – Webguide “Welcome to Europe”
Welcome to Europe is an activist transnational network for freedom of movement on all refugee routes. The web guide w2eu.info provides useful contacts and information for the right to stay, against deportations and for equal rights for all in four languages (English, Arabic, Farsi and French). For more see: http://w2eu.info/
2) Against deportations
How to defend yourself against deportation.
Faltblatt “Informationen für Menschen, die sich gegen ihre Abschiebung wehren wollen” Ein Informationsfaltblatt der Initiative “Vernetzung gegen Abschiebung” in verschiedenen Sprachen:

Videoclip “I ain’t getting on no plane” – How to Stop a Deportation
Video about deportation prevention on airplanes:
A short video that aims to encourage people to resist deportations.
A short video that aims to encourage people to resist deportations.
Information-Comic “Stop Deportation”
This comic contains useful and important information for people at risk of deportation, but also for people who support them. Available in several languages. Online at https://www.oplatz.net/stop-deportation/ or as a (printable) PDF here:
Arabic (2021) | |
German (2021) | |
English | |
Italian | Russian |
Serbo-Croatian | Spanish |
Bring Back Our Neighbours – Standing together in solidarity against Saxony’s deportation policy
Flyer and “emergency kit” against deportation in several languages:
Aufkleber “Gemeinsam gegen Abschiebungen” in vielen Sprachen:
Against DUBLIN-deportations – Prevent internal European deportations
Videoclips “Against Fingerprints”
These videos were created in 2017 to encourage people to resist Dublin deportations. These videos are about Italy, but the situation is transferable to other countries. Currently (spring 2024), Dublin deportations to Italy are almost non-existent.
Information against fear: How to prevent Dublin deportations?
A somewhat older detailed overview of what you can do to prevent a Dublin deportation from Welcome to Europe.
3) SAFETY AT SEA – Safer across the Mediterranean
‘Alarm Phone’-Visitorcards
Alarm Phone-Videoclips
This video explains how the Alarm Phone works
Crossing the sea – Central Mediterranean
In this video clip we provide brief and summarized information for the crossing in the central Mediterranean: about the necessity of life jackets, sufficient fuel, drinking water and a satellite phone and how to check the current weather forecast before departure.
Francais (https://youtu.be/qBIuiOaEKZk)
Arabic (https://youtu.be/1enqUvvSpaY)
‘Saftey at Sea’ video clip for Tunesian Harragas
This video contains useful advice in Tunisian Arabic for people crossing the Mediterranean.
This video contains useful advice in Tunisian Arabic for people crossing the Mediterranean.
Crossing the sea and crossing the land border between Turkey and Greece
English: https://youtu.be/rtVzgQhKXu4
Arabic: https://youtu.be/km50Fuvbtuc
Francais: https://youtu.be/QFlxaGceRtw
Safety at sea and other useful information for the Chanel (crossing to England)
Eine Sammlung nützlicher Informationen über die Überquerung des Chanels nach UK findet sich hier: https://alarmphone.org/en/safety-at-sea/channel/
Solidarity Messages for those in Transit
The following videos were made in 2017 and were filmed in Germany and Italy. They tell of the experiences of several people who have survived the flight by boat across the Mediterranean and the EU border regime and continue to resist it. Based on their own experiences, they offer information, warnings, support and encouragement. We hope that these videos will be shared widely.