Programme for the We’ll Come United Summer Camp 2024 in Thuringia

Programme for the We’ll Come United Summer Camp 2024 in Thuringia

The first version of the programme is now published!

There will be several workshops and discussions during the day. Music, dance, theatre and poetry will fill the evenings. On the last evening we will celebrate a closing party.
However, there are many open slots in which you can still spontaneously bring up topics. Talk to the info point and organise it together in the daily plenary sessions.

For those who bring their children, we will offer childcare during the workshops.

Here you can find some general information about the camp and the programme:

Infos We’ll Come United Summer Camp 2024 in Thuringia – English

Please note that we are still working on translating the programme into all languages and that it is subject to change. You will always find an up-to-date version at the Info-Point.