On this site we provide a selection of information material wich can be used on swarming-tours. This pool of material will be expanded continously. So far we have videoclips, leaflets and other things to the following topics:
There is more coming on so have a look here from time to time.
Everybody, who is interested in the swarming-tour, who wants to organize an own event, a meeting or an action or who wants to order materials, pls contact us via: swarming@welcome-united.org
Solidarity Messages for those in Transit
These videos aim to reach travellers along their migratory trajectories, in order to support them when they navigate the many border obstacles and traps that the EU and its member states have erected in their paths. The videos were shot in Germany and Italy, and share the insights of several people who survived the EU border regime and continue to resist it. Based on their lived experiences, they offer information, warnings, support and encouragement. While we face a time of repression in the aftermath of the long summer of migration, there are still cracks in the system and we hope that these videos will be spread widely, moving alongside those who travel on despite Europe’s desire to deter. Please help and share the videos!
To be spread on social media! A small version for whats app exists and can be sent. Please write a message if you want to help spreading it. Our contact: swarming@welcome-united.org.
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‘Saftey at Sea’-Videoclip for Tunesian Harragas
This video provides useful instructions in Tunisian Arabic for people crossing the Mediterranean.
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‘Safety at Sea’-Leaflets
Here are some informations for people who are considering to cross the Mediterranean Sea. The intention is neither to deter people from attempting to cross, nor to encourage them, but rather to provide objective information and to share experiences about risks, rights, and vital safety measures to take at sea.
If you want to spread printed versions of the leaflets please contact us via email (swarming@welcome-united.org)!
‘Safety at Sea’-leaflet Central Mediterranean
Informations for people who are considering to cross the sea between Libya/Tunisia and Italy/Malta (Be aware: There are newer versions of the leaflet in production so these downloads will be changed soon.):
‘Safety at Sea’-leaflet Western Mediterranean
Informations for people who are considering to cross the sea between Morocco and Spain:
‘Safety at Sea’-leaflet Aegaen Sea
Informations for people who are considering to cross the sea between Turkey and Greece:
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‘Alarm Phone’-Visitorcards
If you need cards in other languages please tell us and we will try to provide it.
Contact: wtm-alarm-phone01@antira.info. All cards can also be found on Facebook.
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About Alarm Phone
‘Alarm Phone’-Videoclip
This clip explains how the Alarm Phone works (Tigrinya and Somali are in production):
‘Alarm Phone’-Booklet
This brochure provides analyses of the situations in the three main Mediterranean regions and reflections on some of the memorable experiences the Alarm Phone has made over first three years of its existence. It includes interviews, where the voices of some of our members, our friends, comrades, contact persons or travellers we encountered in situations of distress can be heard, and it provides an overview of the different networks and sister projects that the Alarm Phone is involved in.
To ask activists from Alarm Phone to be present in tour-events contact: wtm-alarm-phone01@antira.info
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Videoclips “Against Fingerprints”
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Leaflet “Dublin – Against the Fear”
All leaflets in the different languages can be found as PDF on the website of w2eu-website (welcome to europe – w2eu).
Not all language are completed and online yet. We will provide them step by step. You can order printed leaflets via our email (swarming@welcome-united.org)!
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Exhibition “Lampedusa in Hanau”
The exhibition documents the background and ways of the escape from Somalia and Eritrea as well as the successful political and social resistance of the initiative “Lampedusa in Hanau” against the EU border and deportation regime.
Find all further informations about the exhibition on the website of Lampedusa in Hanau. To borrow the exhibition contact: Kmii-hanau@antira.info .
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Leaflet “Information for people who want to defend themselves against their deportation”
An information-leaflet from the initiative “Vernetzung gegen Abschiebung” in different languages:
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Videoclip “I ain’t getting on no plane” – How to Stop a Deportation
About the situation in a deporting airplane:
A short video that wants to encourage people to resist against deportations (german & english language).
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Information-Comic “Stop Deportation”
This comic contains useful and important informations for people under threat of deportation, but also for people supporting them. Available in several languages. Watch them online on www.oplatz.net or as (also printable) PDF here:
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Informations against Deportations to Afghanistan
- Information-page from Pro Asyl: Hinweise für afghanische Flüchtlinge und ihre Berater*innen (german | webpage)
- Information-leaflet from Pro Asyl: Advice for Afghan Refugees and their advicors (English | PDF)
- Information-leaflet from Welcome to Europe (w2eu) “Against The Fear-Leaflet” (PDF in German, English, Dari, Paschtu at the bottom of te w2eu-page Information against fear – Germany will NOT immediately start mass-deportations to Afghanistan – let´s fight together for your right to stay!)
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Informations against Deportations to Pakistan
Resistance against the new Deal of Deportation!
- Information-page from Welcome to Europe (w2eu): Information against the fear – About the Deportations from Germany to Pakistan – How to fight for your right to stay?! (English)